Monday, October 28, 2013

Study tips and apps for studying

Hello every body! How are you all? I hope you're doing great! This weak I had a few tests and I have to give three next week as we'll, so stress is on! But the good thing is that I'm prepared for most of them.
I've downloaded a few apps to hel me study and also done some research or what you can say "experiments" that will probably help you too.

Tips for 1 week before the test:
1. Start preparing for your test atleast four to five days in advance, so that you can have the last day before the test to just go over everything and revise it.

2. When memorising , see what you find most difficult and start with that. But if you're like a SUPER PROCRASTINATOR like me, you'll probably want to start of with the easy stuff, and if you have more days before the test, I guess that's fine.

3. Memorise and then shut your book and write down in points or in paragraphs whatever you remember. This ensures that whatever you have learnt remains in your mind. It will also help you to remember the spellings etc of diddicult words.

Tips for 1 day before the test;
 1. If you have he work, leave it for later. Get started on your test revision as soon as possible when you get he from school. That way you'll be able to finish it off quickly. After finishing your homework, go through the main points for your test.

2. Make sure you go to bed early .

Tips for the test day:
1. Leave NOTHING unprepared. Make sure you have all of your things: pencil, paper, pen or whatever you need.

2. Make sure to have a good breakfast. Research shows that good breakfasts will help you in the test. 

Read all your questions CAREFULLY and learn to manage  your time so that you can get highest marks possible.
Some apps for studying are: 
Study tips
Success tips for highschool and middle school.

There are so many more but the most important thing is to NOT WASTE TIME and FOCUS. 
An app is ;
Study tips 
This is the one I downloaded and divides the tips into different parts- easy peasy!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


So why am I posting a pic of bugs bunt after not blogging for ever? We'll, I really just wanted to post a pic, but none of myself for privacy ! Anyways life has been pretty hectic since we got back from Dubai, tell you all about it(mostly)  in another post. But, basically in a nutshell, I missed three whole weeks of school (almost) and was welcomed with a bunch of monthly tests, in all of which I failed to impress my teachers, except for math (;) yep...apparently I'm a mathematical GENIUS y'all - scored full marks!)
My math teacher is a really sweet sir who I used to be scared of when I was younger! My science teacher is REALLY sweet but she gives WAY TOO MUCH homework every single day! My English teacher is the same one from last year, I caught her good side ever since I started studying in theis branch!
Anyways, I must be boring you with all this crap about school , which I just came back from, by the way! Well, what should I do? I know I ask that question all the time but SOMEBODY doesn't even bother to give me an answer, so I guess I'll just have to man up and tell you what to expect ! I'll probably be doing rants now that I've downloaded the blogger app because it will be more accessible, drawings/fashion sketches, and also random ram lungs and even stories, ideas, and also the most important ;
Tips and tricks from random aspects of trenage life ! 
Well, my mom is about to get all 'GET OFF THE IPOD' on me, so I better get off!
Just wanted to let any one reading this know that I'm still alive and well, thanks to The Almighty!  And you can expect more blog posts from me, hopefully :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Schooling With Rosy!

Hey guys! So School is just around the corner and everybody is really just kind of upset that summer is ending and that we have to go back to school again. Every one is just kind of getting last minute school supplies ready, like staples, pencils, notebooks, binders, backpacks, stuff for your locker, gearing up for school fashion (if you don't have But to make the most of school and to get in the school spirit I decided to do a back to school series in which I won't really be like, blogging that much, I'll just be giving you girls some to the point kind of advice for school survival, and linking like TONS of great videos from random Youtube channels that I find are to-the-point in their back-to-school advice and don't just go on rambling about their life, cuz I don't think random ramblings will help us deal with that surprise test!

However, I DO  have one (I think it was two) blog post from last year that I will link here that features my back to school beauty essentials. If you wanna check it out, then be my guest! Ooh and don't forget to leave a comment below giving us some tips and tricks and tricks that you find helpful!

Schooling With Rosy, Ep. 1: Getting Yourself Organised.

So when  going back to school, organising yourself is one of the most important things that you need to do, and I feel like I learnt that the hard way. Anyways, you wanna make sure that all of your books and notebooks are covered ( aka you bought them) you have your pencil/ pen pouch at the ready, and that you've stashed away a couple of great outfits and/or makeup looks and hairstyles for a great first impression!
If you're in middle school or up you probably have a locker and it's really important that you keep it organised and clutter free, just like your closet! LoL! No, but seriously, dude, here's a couple of videos to get you locker-inspired! LoL!
Disclaimer: These videos are not mine but are some videos that I find helpful for myself!

Yes, ofcourse it was going to be by Macbarbie07, cuz that's just howm I roll! 

Okay, next thing you need is a cute bag and some great bacpack essentials, here's a bideo (aka video):

So Guys I guess that was it for Schooling With Rosy Ep 1.
I think that  this episode was more of just like prepping for school, BEFORE it actually starts and stay tuned for Ep 2 which is probably going to be based on what to wear for your first day/ first week/ basically somne stylish and classy looks that you can wear for school, and basically Back-To-School-Style with le me! 

So until next time, stay tuned!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reason Why I haven't been Blogging!

Well, okay, I know anybody who follows  my blog like, REGULARLY regularly will probably be very upset with the fact that I have not been logging for what? The past month or so? I know guys and I am super sorry but I have many excuses lined up so hear me out: or rather read me out! no don't do that! lol!
But anyways I've lined up a few excuses why I didn't write blog posts

  1. My laptop has had ISSUES .................. I don't know, it just don't work well on our home internet connection!
  2. Our computer's Windows is PROBLEMED has ISSUES and is unable to open up any internet browsers, but we're hoping to get it fixed up pretty soon! :)
  3. Blogging without the blogger App on le-iPod is REALLY DIFFICULT PEOPLE! why do I no have the APP? Well, you know how you're supposed gto give, like your credit card information before you can download even the FREE stuff on your Apple device? Well, my dad doesn't trust the  company because my iPod is actually the first contact he's had with the Apple Software I yeah!
Lastly, I am presently at-this-very-moment-on-a-last-minute-vacation in DUBAI !!!!!!!!!! LIKE OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG GUYS HOW AMAZING IS THAT? I know that's like TOTES epic! Lemme know f you guys want to see pictures on my blog! Anyways, kinda straying off topic here...........I really have trouble with blogging here, but I STILL am, for you guys! stay updated for more posts! And I'm thinking of doing a back to school kind of series because, HELLO SEPTEMBER!!! lemme know if you guys would like that!

until then, 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

25 Questions Tag!!!

It occurred to me that , to get to know me better, you guys need to read a post ABOUT me, thus, on this day, I've decided to post a blog about me, allowing my stalker ish viewers ( if any) to get to know me  better as a person. For this reason, I present to you..... Dun dun dun........ THE 25 QUESTION TAG!!!! I  came across this tag on the following we site;
She apparently TAGGED ME To do this tag. So, without further adue, let us begin!
Q1. Do you have any pets?
Ans. GIRL I've had so many I've lost count! In our area, keeping baby chickens also alternatively known as 'chicks' is very popular AND cheap, plus my little brother loves chicks. Now, when you out all these together, you get many many chicks and a whole lots stinks!!!!! Anyways, what I'm trying to say here is that we've had a lot of chicks as pets but most of them just die,  one time we gave 2 chicks to my uncle who breeds chickens. We also kept a puppy ( Russian) but we gave him to our ex-maid. Thus, presently, we are pet less!

Q2. Name three things that are physically close to you?
1. Bed(sitting on it) 2. Clothes(pffft.. Figure it out yourself) 3 iPod

Q3. What's the weather like right now?
Not really bit but not cold. Nice and cool, I guess?

Q4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I'm not old enough to drive thus, no. I do not drive( what did you think huh?)  and I don't think I've ever crashed a car before (as a passenger)
 Q5. What time did you wake up this morning?
Around six a.m.
Q7. What was the last movie you saw?
Umm... I think it was either Monte Carlo.
Q8. What does you last text say?
I font got no phone( I don't)

Q9. What is your ringtone? 
See above.

Q10. Have you been to a foreign country?
Hmmm yes let's see.. United Arab Emirates and Oman

Q11. Do you like sushi? 
Never ate it. Probably never going to eat it . But if there's a way I can have it COOKED I have to try it! Lol

Q12. Where do you buy your groceries? 
Okay isn't this question a bit stalkerish? We'll I'll answer anyways. Where we get our groceries usually depends on what we are gonna buy and how much it costs. But we get it from places that are no more than about20 - 25 minutes walking distance.

Q13. Have you ever taken any medication to sleep faster?
Except for milk or green tea? Nope.

Q14. How many siblings do you have?
One younger brother .

Q15. Do you have a desktop computer or laptop?
Both. But they're both like, really ancient!

Q16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday ? 
Again don't you think this question is a bit stalkerish? I mean dude seriously!

Q17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses, I wear . But I am DYING to get contacts !!!

Q18. Do you colour your hair? 
Sometimes with Henna but not really. But once, when I was really young, I got two hair strands streaked. Otherwise not really.

Q19. When was the last Time you cried? I think it was yesterday at 4 am or today when I was in the bath room? Weird yeah ? Lol!!!

Q20. Telle something you are planning to do today?
1. Finish this post
2. Do my home work
3. Make my bed

Q21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Lots of cheese lots of beef ketchup olives  capsicum onion basically almost everything except pepperoni .

Q22. What do you prefer? Hamburger or cheese burger? 
Umm I honestly am not sure what a hamburger is but if it does not contain ham for real then I'd probably choose a hamburger but a cheese burger is also pretty good. I guess it really just depends on my mood!

Q23. Have you ever had an all nighter? 
Oh this. Summer was basically almost a series of consecutive all nighters.!!!!!

Q24. What is your eye colour? 
The darkest shade of brown ever but usually it looks black but it's actually brown.

Q25. Can you taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi?
Yep. I'm one of those people! I LOVE Cole but hate Pepsi. It leaves a weird feeling on my teeth! Coke has a stronger taste!

Well guys I really liked this tag and tag anybody at all who comes across this post to do this and leave a comment below with a link to your blog! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ditching 7daybraids challenge

So you guys are probably wondering right now, Rosy, why on earth are you not posting the rest of the 7daybraids challenge things' posts? And why are you saying that you are ditching the 7daybraids challenge! Well my friends, you should be asking yourselves the question, of not entering the competition. For if no one is participating, how may we continue it? Good question, no? Yes. So, for this reason, I am officially announcing the end of the 7daybraids challenge, and to anyone who was expecting to hear, or see. The turn out of this chAllenge, well, you gots yourself the answer.  So, now the only question that's left is, what am I going to blog about? What SHOULD I blog about ? Well, since you guys ARE the viewers, I guess that the only FAIR thing to do would be to ask you what I should be blogging  about. Please, DO give me yer answers and suggestions in the comments section. Well, me maties, that's all the buzz for now, Imma blog to you later!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

7daybraids challenge day 4

   Hi there! Ugh…so sorry about the late post guys… but m mom had forbidden me from hang my iPod or the laptop OR the computer !! A ways finally I'm home alone so now I can post, by the way, I DO have permission to use them now…Ok so today is day 4 of the 7day braids challenge. The braided hairstyle for today is the French braided headband! Here are the steps: 
  1. First, divide you hair from ear to ear, OVER YOUR HEAD,  the parting line should seem a bit like a head band.
  2. Tip yor head to one side,  and from the other side,  take a little piece of hair and braid it once. This is one stitch.   
  3. Now, to one strand, add a little bit of hair to one side, braid it in , now do the same on the opposite side.
  4. Continue the process until you reach the  other end(aka the other side of your hair next to your ear) n
  5. Now secure it with a hair elastic. There you are!! So simple right?!?! I know, and you can make anything At the back of your head like a braid or bun or a ponytail. Very cute!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

7daybraids challenge day 2

Hello friends!! Rosy here, and I just wanted to apolagise for the late posting… I'm trying my best.…really! Anyways, yesterday I went to a friends birthday party ,  so I had to le my hair down. But for that matter, I found this OH-mazing braided hairstyle if you want your hair let down. This works with        Straight hair and even curled, although if you wanna go all fancy then I'd recommend curling your hair. It is.… dun dun dun ……;…,  theWATERFALL BRAID!!!!
Yup, that's it! Now, I really don't know how to explain this hairstyle to you properl , so here's a link to the website that you can learn it from:

7daybraids challenge day 3

Hi there guys!! What's up? Today is day three of the 7daybraids challenge! I have got a really easy hairstyle for you today, it's pretty basic, but totes adores! It is… the braided bun!!!!! Sooooo simple yet so cute!! Here are the instructions to create this CLASSY hairtstyle!!¡¡¡!

  1. First of all, brush out your hair so that it is free of tangles…
  2. Now, tie your hair into a high, medium , of low ponytail (any one that you prefer, I like to tie a high one) you can even do a side or middle parting if you wish, or leave out your bangs to frame your face. Anything you like, after all , it IS your hair!!
  3. Next, you BRAID your hair …secure it at the VERY end with an elastic…
  4. By now, you should have a ponytail with  the hair that's supposed to be hanging loose in a braid…
  5. Then, SHAPE your bun! If you want, you can tug your braid to make it messier or make it look more volumised. Wrap the braid around your hread (just like a normal bun…
  6. Finally, when you ar happy with the bun, pin n kit in to place using bobby pins, or even tiny claw clips that match your hair. If you're going for a REALLY messy look, you can even secure the bun with an elastic first, and then use pins…
  7. Add a bow of head band or leave it as is, and its done!!!!! 
It's that simple people!! Now you can flaunt this col and cute hairstyle anywhere you go! Great for school, ballet, dancing or gymnastics or whatever!!!! Remember to post picture of your hairstyle on Facebook under the hash tag #7daybraids.  PLEASE DO PARTICIPATE!!! It would mean a lot to me <3 div="">

Friday, July 19, 2013

#7daybraids challenge day1!!!!!!!

 Hello friends!!!!
How are you all doing? So, as promised, today I have officially started the #7daybraids challenge . This blogpost is gonna be about the braided hairstyle that I rocked today : a simple side fishtail braid!!!
I'm gonna be giving you step by step instructions on how you can recreate this style on yourself!!!

  1. Take all your hair and bring it to one side; left or right whichever one you prefer.
  2. Now, brush out your hair to make sure that there are no tangles in it.
  3. Divide your hair into 2 equal sections.
  4. Now, take a "baby piece" from one section, and cross it over to the other section.
  5. Do the same thing but his time take hair from the other section.
  6. Now, just continue steps 4 and 5 until you reach a point where you think it will look good (when you reach a point where you don't wanna braid anymore)
  7. Seal it/tie it with a rubber band, or a funky scrunchie or bow… anything that you like. You can style your bangs ( if any) as you like and even add a cute headband to make it even cuter!!
ENJOY YOUR CUTE NEW DO!!!  The great thing about this hairstyle is that you can tug it a little at the ends for a more messy beachy look, or you can make it nice and sleek and all posh looking.
I hope you guys enjoyed day1 of the 7daybraids challenge, and please, somebody out there, DO participate in this challenge or otherwise it would just be me, and that would be pretty embarrassing. Okay, so stay tuned for more braided hairstyles coming up, and remember to post em o. Facebook!!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Updates!! And 7daybraids challenge is back!!

Hi guys!!!                    
So, I know that I' ve been pretty crappy with the whole blog thing, but I had some issues with the computer and my laptop, but now that my iPod is here, hopefully I'll be able to post more often. I am also announcing that the #7daybraids challenge will be starting tomorrow, and all the rules are exactly the same. Feel free to check out the previous blog post by me if you have not seen it yet. Anyways, a little update on my life: On Sunday, my cousins finally came from Dubai, and guess what? I got my iPod but what's even cooler than that is the fact that my dad sent my brother and me  Nintendo Wii game system!!!!!!!!  OMG OMG OMG OMG I was literally just going crazy for the past few days, just playing on the game and stuff.....…
But, anyways, that's basically all that I wrote this post for, but another thing was that my brother almost choked himself while accidentally swallowing a whole candy OMG MAN!!!! Just such a relief he's ok!
Well, that's just it… so , yeah
Xoxoxo , Rosy

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi Everybody!!!
What's up, my peeps? Nothing much in my life, except for the fact that I just came back from the passport office !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH YEAH! `I am getting a passport for Dubai!!!
Anywho, Right now I wanted to give you guys this interesting challenge that I am also gonna be doing. I just had this AH-mazing idea of performing a challenge!! (You know, just for fun!)
So, basically, if you wanna enter this challenge, please do on facebook, with the hashtag: #7DayBraids
Got it?
Now, there isn't going to be a winner or anything, I just wanted to see how many of you can actually do this.
So, basically, all you really gotta do is

  2. Do a DIFFERENT braided hairstyle for each day of the week. And you CAN'T repeat the hairstyle. like, if on Monday, you do a rope braid, you can't do the rope braid in the same way o any other day. Got it?
  3. Each day when you do a hairstyle, you have to post a picture of you hairstyle on Facebook with the hashtag:  #7DayBraids.
  4. Got it?
Now, "I know this may seem like a completely boring and CHALLENGING challenge, but please participate so that we can all use no heat on our hair for atleast a week. Plus, it's gonna be a gret way to increase your knowledge of hairstyles, right? So who's with me?
Lol. But no, seriously, Each day from tomorrow on, I wiill be writing a blog post on one braided hairstyle, along with a picture and step by step instructions. Okay?
Anyways, until next time!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

20 Random Facts About Me!

Hey Friends!!!
Guess what? My Dad Finally got a job!!!! In Dubai!!! YAY!! AND it's a really OH-s
um Job with a company Visa and everything!
But, Anyways, that's not the main focus here right now. I'm just going to do this "tag" Of 20 random facts about me, that I saw on YouTube. I didn't wanna make a video cuz it's so hectic, so, here we are!

  1. I've never actually seen anyone fall because of slipping over a banana skin. (have you?)\
  2. I'm a HUG klutz!Almost everyday I either break something, something slips outta my hand, or I accidentally fall or something!
  3. I am addicted to YouTube! I basically spend almost the whole day on YouTube!
  4. Our ex-maid (had to quit for some damn  reason) was a really good friend of mine! She HAD been working for us for about five years! Also, I even went to her wedding this weekend (my  mom did her makeup!)
  5. I never really get hooked to a show. What I mean is, that if there's this show that I REALLY like, but for some reason I  am unable to watch it, I'll just watch the next episode. No biggie.
  6. The skin on my nose (NOT my T-zone) is oily.                                                                                                                    
  7. One of  my goals this summer is to master the art of souffle making, so I can impress both my family and friends alike. ( Got any recipes? Mail me!
  8. I have eyes that are probably the DARKEST shade of brown and most people mistake them for being black!
  9. I wear glasses and my frames are purple and red in color.
  10. I;ve had like, SO MANY crushes! But I always get over them. Like, right now, I have this crush on Lucas Scott from "One Tree Hill" AKA Chad Micheal Murray, And he is just so DARN cute!
  11. My real name isn't Rosy. Rosy's actually just a nickname that I love!
  12. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sleeveless dresses (hello  prom dress!) But I am not allowed to wear them!
  13.  I am great at studies and hate cheaters, which, unfortunately, most of my class is.
I didn't have a best friend until  a few months ago. Me and 2 other girls decided to put together a "clique" thingy, but never got around to it, but, I spent a lot of time with one of those gals, so we eventually became besties.
  1. I have never actually EATEN a souffle.
  2. I have a certain "fondness" for money. Don't we all do? XD.
  3. I say the word bitch to vent my anger. It just calms me down. I hope I'm not one myself!
  4. I don't really have a favorite movie, but one of my fav shows right now is " One Tree Hill".
  5. I am actually almost a whole year younger than most of my classmates.
  6. I am totally casual with my parents. I think I should be a bit more formal, but hey! They're the ones who are always saying that they're my best friends!

So, there are 20 Random Facts About Me! I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post and you now know a bit more about me as a person.I tag YOU to do this on your blog, and put a link in the comments section so I can read it too!
Well, That's all Folks!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


HEY guys!!!
What's up? Nothing much with me really. I was just going through YouTube, then I got bored, so I decided to see how to make my blog more popular. I looked it up on Google, and, apparently, found many tips!
But that's not the point! On one website, I scrolled down to the comments section and read this comment that told me to go to this website. You're probably wondering what this website is, so I'll tell you :
This is it., the website that all girls have been waiting for is FINALLY here! OMG guys I cannot just even BEGIN to tell you how much I absolutely ADORE this website! It's like, got EVERYTHING that a girl or woman or mommy, well, basically any female from the human species , may need to n=know! You name it: make up, hair care, health, clothing, organization, saving, recipes, ALL IS THERE ON  femiology!!!
Ok, I know I'm kinda freaking out on this one, but trust me, you will not regret taking out your time to go on this website, so here's my advice:
Got it? Now, good!
So that's all for now pals, tune in next time for another update!

I'M ENTERING A YOUTUBE GIVEAWAY!!!! + a little update on " Le life"!


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I am SO excited guys!!!!!!!!! Cuz if you haven't already guessed from "Le Title", I am entering a "Le Giveaway"! WOHOOOO!!
And guess what? It's noy just any giveaway, it's a HUGE Summer giveaway by one of my BIGGEST idols, EVER! Macbarbie07 !!!!!!!!! If any of you follows her or are also enterin "Le Givaway" pleaze l;et me know in the comments! And, if you have a YouTube account and are a beauty junkie, you can so TOH-tally enter too! It's just so easy, I dunno what to say! Oh, and if you have no idea whop Macbarbioe07 is, Let me just say this "Where have you BEEN?" She;'s like this totally Awsome and SWEET Beauty Guru on YouTube who has like, the PERFECT life! Seriously, she has so much fun(we can see from your vlogs honey! <3 nbsp="" p="">And, anyways, if you Really doo notknow who macbarbie 07 is, just check out my profile picture! It's a ctually a picture of her! Cuz she's TOTES my IDOL IN LIFE! I wanna be JUST LIKE HER! here's a link to her channel just incase you wanna check it out and thank me for introducing you to such and AWSOME personality! :

Anyways, just wanted to let you guys have an update of my Not-So-Sweet_life right now!
AND WAIT! There's more news! My Dad is comi9ng from Dubai this week, and guess what, he got "lr mr" an IPOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!
I know he shouldn't have, with loosing his job and all, but, I guess when you're jobless, the only thing you can do id try to attend interviews and try to make your kids happy, and spend some quality time with them that you could probably NEVER have spentif you had had a job! You know what I'm sayin' ?
Well, anyways, that's all the news that I have BY NOW! Tune in next time to catch a not-so-juicy update on the life of, miss le Rosy (which, btw, is just a nickname)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Eh, What The Hell?

Hyoooooooooo! My bum chums! How's it goin'? Well, for most of you, school is out for the summer and this means you've gotta wait for the much hated report cards! I know girls, it's just a bit too freaky, even if you're not saying it! I have received my report card, got more than 95% in all subjects, even highest in Science and English, but my TOTAL enemy, this girl who I've had a lot of conflicts with over the past year *wink wink Sana*, came first! I came second, but I didn't win da scholarship like her. And now, my school is having this sports summer camp, and even though my mom payed for it and I also really enjoy maself there, I haven't been going there for the past week because I got like, EXTREMELY ill, and thenm, Last night, I Got this BIG cut, right at the heel of my left foot! Life just couldn't get any worse, right? Well, wrong, because SOMEONE just lost their job, and now we're like, totally broke!
Has any one got any idea how a young, preteen girl could earn some money? Well, she can't!
Any ways please all just pray for my dad's new job and that he gets it as quick as a flash of lightning!
Anyways, what else is new in my life? Oh, well, besides the fact that my best friend is apparently in a city 4 hours from my own, and that it's summer vaycay, my mom is gonna make me work my butt off, especially since the maid is gone!( And apparently Mother Dearest also beliaves that the Early to bed, Early To rise Rule applies to all peoples in the summer as welll.... I know, ?What the Friggin Hell, RIGHT?) but that's.....kinda okay?....You know, cuz at least I'll have  my peeps to be with, right?
Also, I really wanted to share with you this TOH-Tally OH-mazing show that I'm currently watching on Youtube. The basic idea may be kinda' lame according to some people, but I think it's really creative, especially if you don't wanna show your face to the world or  if you don't have any actors for a show!
                                                   YOU CAN JUST USE DOLLS!
Seriously? Some of you may be thinking "What is this Rosy, some kind of joke?" But, it's no joke at all! AND the videos a.k.a episodes are actually pretty fun and amazing! I'll just let the first episode of this "show" called " Bratz~Ste off" , by a Youtube user, watermelon813, speak for itself! :

Huh? Is that a "Wow this show is really cool!" that I hear?
Well, maybe it is!!!
Any ways, I think that I've spilled enough info for now, and I'l update you guys on my craptastic life some other time, `kay?
Rosy <3 b="">

Friday, February 1, 2013

Losing Weight 101 !!!!!

Hi Everybody!!!

Many of us have made the new  years resolution of loosing weight, getting thinner, and finally becoming a size zero by cutting every thing out and going on a diet. Well, that's just gonna get you nowhere, trust me. You may drastically loose a few pounds or kilo's, but it just takes a little while for those pounds to stick back up. You end up with gaining more weight than you started off with. What really works is watching WHAT you eat and WORKING OUT to BURN it right off. For the work out routines I'm going to list down for you all, hardly need a gym membership. But what it does need is dedication, perseverance, persistence to keep going it without gaps. The red length pointer on the weight checking machine will soon drop down a couple of  pounds before you even know it!!!

1) Skipping:
Let's start with the easiest, ok? And no, we don't wanna skip meals. It's skipping a rope! All you're gonna need is the floor( well, duh!) sneakers/joggers/running shoes (whatever you prefer) your timer set to 10 minutes, and very OBVIOUSLY, a skipping rope. There isn't really much of a technique to it 'cause all you really do is jump rope, and avoid getting tangled. You can even set a date with your other friends and see ho can skip the longest and fastest! Just be sure not to fall face smack into the ground!! This is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. Jumping rope burns the equivalent of running an eight minute mile!!!

2) Running: 
Yep, that's right. Running. Here's another simple one for you guys. You can run in a park, a runner track, a treadmill, or even at school while playing catch with your friends! You can set up races, sign up for a marathon, just be sure not to pull a muscle or something, be careful. Start of slow, to avoid any tissue tears, and then speed up as you go by. Running will eventually get you nice and lean. What you need is good quality of running shoes, this can be sneakers, tennis shoes, or anything else that you might prefer. Once brought and worn, you're ready to go. Who knows, you may just be signing up for marathons in no or little time!

3) Step Aerobic: 
aka DANCING!!!!
What could be more fun? You might not be the kind of person who can bust a move in crowded dance parties, but who says you have to? You'll be dancing to your favorite tunes, in your bedroom where the walls will be your only audience. I bet it sounds tempting! Step aerobics targets your legs, hips,etc. It's an intense calorie-burning exercise. All you need is a 'Do Not Disturb sign for your room ( or you could just lock it) and your iPod, iPhone, iPad, MP3 player, Laptop, or any other device that has songs plugged to speaker!!! While other exercises come into play if you want to lose a specific area fat, such as crutches, pushups and squats, the work out routines are easily available online.

4) Water:
Yo! Water Contains 0 Calories GIRLFRIEND!!!!!That's right!! Drinking up to 2-8 ounce glasses of water before meals acts like magic! It helps you reduce weight, cuz right after the intake of water right before a meal, you tend to eat up to 90 fewer calories!
And remember, people, each tiny calorie counts!! So, even though you're gonna be eating that extra large extra cheesy pizza, you're gonna be automatically eating lesser. Also, water keeps you hydrated throughout, so keep some water with you when your workin' out. Also, it's great for your skin, cuz hydrated skin is happy skin + it flushes out all the toxins in your body- what ever those are.

5)Cut Out On Sugar:
This one just speaks for itself. Don't eat too much sugar. Don't eat brownies, instead have some apples or oranges. Don't eat cookies, instead have some DARK CHOCOLATE!. Replace your daily cup of juice with a glass of plain water. Instead of ice cream, have some cold, freshly squeezed fruit juice, or lemonade, or mint water. Believe me, it REALLY DOES make a difference!

6) Sleep?? ;) :
 Sleeping at least 7 hours a day is necessary for your body. While your body is asleep, the internal organs keep working and repair any torn muscles and help regain back the energy loss. Sleep not only helps your weight, but it also improves your mood. So you better shut your phone down and kick in to bed early!!!

Always remember this: no matter how much you exercise, no matter how active you are, you can never be fit without a healthy diet, Always keep that in mind. So next time you get the urge to have a bag of chips, instead have some carrots or a whole grain toast. Search online for easy and healthy salad recipes. Replace your daily coke with some iced tea and mint. Have some bananas or apples instead of that luscious velvet cake. I love snacking on cucumbers and low fat cream cheese. Make some granola bars and have 'em for breakfast instead of cereal or other high carb stuff. Pack healthy lunches like some oranges or other fruit. Order healthy options while dining out, like having your chicken grilled and steaming vegetables. Cut out on heavy sauces. GOT IT?

It can be impossible to get out of bed and exercise for half an hour every day. People are right when they say our generation is extremely lazy. But at the end of the day, what matters most is how you feel about yourself. And while exercising is hard work, remember your hard work gets paid sooner than later. So get up and wear your sports shoes, cuz you've got work to do! After all, you made a resolution, you gotta stick to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope I helped guys! Got any more tips? Tell me in the comments!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New look, Same GREAT ( or better!!!) Blog!!

Whazz up my peeps??!!??
As you can tell, I've changed the look of my blog to a more classic, readable look, so that it's calm, yet cute n' Dorky , just the way we like it,, right?
ENOUGH talk about me, let's talk about all 'em FUNNY PICS IN DA WORLD MANN!!!!

"Oh How I loooove funny pictures" says Ann's mother
"It makes me laugh, what more could you ask for? " Says Ann's father

" AIN'T ALL 'EM FUNNY PICS AWSOME DUDE!!!!!!! " Says crazy Ann.

SO, we've all come to one conclusion after a great deal of research ( through Ann's family!)
( Lol that's the understatement of the year!)
 Therefore, let us see a great deal of them, RIGHT HERE!!!! <3 p="p">