Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reason Why I haven't been Blogging!

Well, okay, I know anybody who follows  my blog like, REGULARLY regularly will probably be very upset with the fact that I have not been logging for what? The past month or so? I know guys and I am super sorry but I have many excuses lined up so hear me out: or rather read me out! no don't do that! lol!
But anyways I've lined up a few excuses why I didn't write blog posts

  1. My laptop has had ISSUES .................. I don't know, it just don't work well on our home internet connection!
  2. Our computer's Windows is PROBLEMED has ISSUES and is unable to open up any internet browsers, but we're hoping to get it fixed up pretty soon! :)
  3. Blogging without the blogger App on le-iPod is REALLY DIFFICULT PEOPLE! why do I no have the APP? Well, you know how you're supposed gto give, like your credit card information before you can download even the FREE stuff on your Apple device? Well, my dad doesn't trust the  company because my iPod is actually the first contact he's had with the Apple Software I yeah!
Lastly, I am presently at-this-very-moment-on-a-last-minute-vacation in DUBAI !!!!!!!!!! LIKE OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG GUYS HOW AMAZING IS THAT? I know that's like TOTES epic! Lemme know f you guys want to see pictures on my blog! Anyways, kinda straying off topic here...........I really have trouble with blogging here, but I STILL am, for you guys! stay updated for more posts! And I'm thinking of doing a back to school kind of series because, HELLO SEPTEMBER!!! lemme know if you guys would like that!

until then, 

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