Thursday, August 8, 2013

25 Questions Tag!!!

It occurred to me that , to get to know me better, you guys need to read a post ABOUT me, thus, on this day, I've decided to post a blog about me, allowing my stalker ish viewers ( if any) to get to know me  better as a person. For this reason, I present to you..... Dun dun dun........ THE 25 QUESTION TAG!!!! I  came across this tag on the following we site;
She apparently TAGGED ME To do this tag. So, without further adue, let us begin!
Q1. Do you have any pets?
Ans. GIRL I've had so many I've lost count! In our area, keeping baby chickens also alternatively known as 'chicks' is very popular AND cheap, plus my little brother loves chicks. Now, when you out all these together, you get many many chicks and a whole lots stinks!!!!! Anyways, what I'm trying to say here is that we've had a lot of chicks as pets but most of them just die,  one time we gave 2 chicks to my uncle who breeds chickens. We also kept a puppy ( Russian) but we gave him to our ex-maid. Thus, presently, we are pet less!

Q2. Name three things that are physically close to you?
1. Bed(sitting on it) 2. Clothes(pffft.. Figure it out yourself) 3 iPod

Q3. What's the weather like right now?
Not really bit but not cold. Nice and cool, I guess?

Q4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I'm not old enough to drive thus, no. I do not drive( what did you think huh?)  and I don't think I've ever crashed a car before (as a passenger)
 Q5. What time did you wake up this morning?
Around six a.m.
Q7. What was the last movie you saw?
Umm... I think it was either Monte Carlo.
Q8. What does you last text say?
I font got no phone( I don't)

Q9. What is your ringtone? 
See above.

Q10. Have you been to a foreign country?
Hmmm yes let's see.. United Arab Emirates and Oman

Q11. Do you like sushi? 
Never ate it. Probably never going to eat it . But if there's a way I can have it COOKED I have to try it! Lol

Q12. Where do you buy your groceries? 
Okay isn't this question a bit stalkerish? We'll I'll answer anyways. Where we get our groceries usually depends on what we are gonna buy and how much it costs. But we get it from places that are no more than about20 - 25 minutes walking distance.

Q13. Have you ever taken any medication to sleep faster?
Except for milk or green tea? Nope.

Q14. How many siblings do you have?
One younger brother .

Q15. Do you have a desktop computer or laptop?
Both. But they're both like, really ancient!

Q16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday ? 
Again don't you think this question is a bit stalkerish? I mean dude seriously!

Q17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses, I wear . But I am DYING to get contacts !!!

Q18. Do you colour your hair? 
Sometimes with Henna but not really. But once, when I was really young, I got two hair strands streaked. Otherwise not really.

Q19. When was the last Time you cried? I think it was yesterday at 4 am or today when I was in the bath room? Weird yeah ? Lol!!!

Q20. Telle something you are planning to do today?
1. Finish this post
2. Do my home work
3. Make my bed

Q21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Lots of cheese lots of beef ketchup olives  capsicum onion basically almost everything except pepperoni .

Q22. What do you prefer? Hamburger or cheese burger? 
Umm I honestly am not sure what a hamburger is but if it does not contain ham for real then I'd probably choose a hamburger but a cheese burger is also pretty good. I guess it really just depends on my mood!

Q23. Have you ever had an all nighter? 
Oh this. Summer was basically almost a series of consecutive all nighters.!!!!!

Q24. What is your eye colour? 
The darkest shade of brown ever but usually it looks black but it's actually brown.

Q25. Can you taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi?
Yep. I'm one of those people! I LOVE Cole but hate Pepsi. It leaves a weird feeling on my teeth! Coke has a stronger taste!

Well guys I really liked this tag and tag anybody at all who comes across this post to do this and leave a comment below with a link to your blog! 

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